Sunday, October 29, 2006

ohwellwhatevernevermind; kurt cobain as seen through the lens of gus van sant

It’s interesting that no-one can ever know all the facts of ones life except for the person who lived that life, which is why biography is such hard work and why filmmakers like Gus van Sant can make films like Last Days with the caveat “a fictional story based loosely on the life of Kurt Cobain.”

The trouble is, even if you asked the persons themselves to write their autobiography, you would not get an accurate story, because they would edit and cut and paste and paint for you a pretty picture because they would show you what they wanted you to see, so the person writing the autobiography is not a reliable narrator. In this case, Kurt Cobain would not have been a reliable narrator. In fact, I’d go so far as to say he’d be among the worst narrators and would edit all over the place, portraying himself only as he wanted. >>> more>>