Friday, May 20, 2005

the edge of reason | has Bridget Jones lost the meaning?

I always had a fondness for the first Bridget Jones film, Diary of Bridget Jonesliked the book by Helen Fielding and thought the film adaptation excellent and as true to the book as anyone could want. Bridget, in many ways, was every woman. She was perfect in her imperfections, slightly overweight, slightly squinty eyed, slightly neurotic, a bit man obsessed, yet expecting true love and yet at the same time, not immune to a good shag ... (select link for more...)

collateral | tom cruise & jamie fox as modern day lone wolves

Collateral features an insecure and kind-hearted but bumbling cabbie (Jamie Fox) who is a big dreamer but not a big doer and a hit man, Tom Cruise, starring as the silver-haired “Vincent.” Vincent: the cold-hearted hit-man who is out to do his job and who, by chance, hires Jamie Fox to be his driver for the night as he makes his seven necessary stops, knocking off witnesses, lawyers and anyone else who may be of any assistance in what we assume is a big case soon to follow. (select link for more...)